Bear yesterday denied sitting next to VincentLi, and he called the accusation "very strange."He also said he did not know about any otherinstances of harassment against Vincent Li untilWednesday night's meeting.
"I feel bad that people are doing that to him,"Bear said. "But I hope it doesn't distract fromwhat the real issues are here."
Bear has filed a formal harassment complaintwith Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles againstthe Li brothers, Vincent and William Li confirmedyesterday.
William Li said he told Jewett about theincidents in a meeting held two weeks ago.
"Harassment seems to have gone both ways," Lisaid in a telephone interview yesterday. "None ofthis seems to be harassment, but if it is, it is atwo way street."
William Li also disputed Karel Liem'sstatement, from Wednesday night's meeting, thatthe two tutors were asked to write a formal letterof apology and retract the letter they sentthreatening a libel suit to the six tutors. "Kareldid not ask us to do either of those things," Lisaid yesterday. "Liem's statement is incorrect."
William Li said he and his brother decided toapologize to the tutors themselves. Li said he has"not yet decided" if he would retract the letter