"For the first couple of weeks I tried to be adiplomat, to make a council for everybody," hesaid. "But [my opponents] wouldn't go for that,and I got sucked into a tennis match ofmudslinging."
"I had a mandate to lead," he said. "And somepeople didn't understand that. I am ashamed oftheir behavior, because they were the ones whobroke the rules."
But Beys insists that he wants to stress hispositive gains as chair. "It was a rough term, butin the meantime I got a lot done," he said.
"The infighting and the growing pains we'veexperienced in the last two years are the legacythat we're leaving which is really the price ofprogress," he added.
Beys said he envisions this year's council assimilar to that of his term. "There were reallythree things that I tried to do, and that I thinkthe council still has on its agenda."
Among those goals for the council is using itsinfluence as a "centralizing, uniting force oncampus to bring people together through feel-goodsocial activities."
"It's our responsibility to use this governingbody if we're going to have it," he said. "Ifwe're just going to funnel money back into thehouse system, then we might as well dissolve thecouncil."
The chair's attitude toward house influence onstudent life sharply contrasts that of councilmember Hillary K. Anger '93-94, one of Beys' mostoutspoken opponents. "I would like to see analternative system in which the houses played alarger role," Anger told The Crimson last week.
Beys' remaining objectives included using thecouncil as an advocate for students' rights andre-evaluating the council's role on campus.
The latter resulted in the formation of are-evaluation committee last spring. Thecommittee, headed by outgoing Secretary Randall A.Fine '96, re-wrote the council's constitution.
"Through my political battles I've tried toadvance a new way of thinking on the council,"Beys said. "I'm proud of that, and whether peoplelike me or not I've made it clear that I wasn't inthis for the popularity."
Council members interviewed yesterday offeredtheir theories on Beys' rationale for dropping outof the race for council president.
"I think that he missed going out there andbeing able to do a lot of different things asopposed to always having to represent the councilin how he dealt with the University," said JoshuaD. Liston '95. "Paradoxically, being council chairhindered Mike from being an advocate for students'rights, because everyone was always watching hisactions so closely."
Although Beys' term was admittedly troubledfrom the start, Garza said, "Mike is the type ofperson who does what he wants."
"I don't think he would let the criticismbother him," she said.
But some council members conjectured that Beys'difficulties may have contributed to hiswithdrawal. "Michael set out to do certain things,and his trip was not an easy one," said Hassen A.Sayeed '96.
"I think he may have emerged from last termembittered and cynical," Sayeed said. "No one onthe council likes fighting, but I'm confident thatthis year will be a happier one."
Beys said that when he steps down Sunday night,he will take that opportunity to extend hisfriendship to anyone who is willing to accept it.
"We can always try to be more diplomatic andpolite," he said. "But that's not to imply thatwe're willing to neglect the ideas that divide usand act against our convictions.