City Council candidate Jim McGrail was moreemphatic. "It seemed as though [the electioncommissioners] had superseded their powerssomewhat."
Echoing the claims of many who would not speakpublicly, McGrail said, "The commissioners actedbecause the director questioned their work ethic."
In his statement to the press and his letter toNeighbor, Healy flatly denied the possibility ofcommissioners' retaliation. "I do find merit insome of the board majority's concerns," Healy saidin the letter.
The decision to effectively remove Neighborfrom office, just two months prior to theelection, was seen as poor judgment by manycandidates and Neighbor supporters. But most seemprepared to move forward.
The director pledged her full support forfuture cooperation. "I'm going to be working veryhard with the board [to straighten things out],"Neighbor said.
Residents of Cambridge have until 10 p.m. todayto register to vote in the Cambridge municipalelections on November 2.
On this final day registration will beoccurring only at the Election Commission office,which is located on the third floor of theCambridge police station at Central Square.
All Harvard students are eligible to vote inthe election by claiming Cambridge as their cityof residence. Registration is in person only.
Where to go: Cambridge Election CommissionOffice, 362 Green Street (3rd Floor), CentralSquare. (Enter side door of police station.) ID ishelpful but not necessary