"[The guard] then turned around and found [theother guard] facing him. [The guard] then statesthat [the other guard] pushed him two or threetimes up against the wall. [The guard] states thatMr. Dowling, who was in the office during theincident, ran over and pushed [the second guard]aside."
In an interview with The Crimson, the suspendedguard said he left the office after Dowling toldhim to "get out." The guard said he immediatelyreported the incident to Johnson, who told him hewould "look into it."
Marshall Will Investigate
After the Monday hearing, Assistant Directorfor Finance and Administration Brian D. Sinclair'62 told the suspended guard that he would consultwith General Counsel Margaret H. Marshall beforemaking a decision on how the department wouldpursue the matter.
But the suspended guard said that, after a fiveminute meeting between Dowling and Sinclair,Dowling informed him of the suspension.
Sinclair did not return a phone call from TheCrimson yesterday.
Marshall announced last week that she wouldbring two outside investigators to interviewguards in an investigation of allegeddiscrimination within the department