But when both candidates were asked about theirplans to improve the district, Cox mainly referredto past accomplishments while Panagopoulosoutlined an agenda.
"I've been a very effective leader the past tenyears," Cox said, proceeding to describe hisefforts to improve the water system and roads, andto preserve open space.
While Panagopoulos accused Cox of "doingnothing to support" a push for more jobs in adistrict "devastated by the recession," theincumbent said he has worked to bolster theeconomy through such actions as amending thestate's "blue laws."
"I've made some progress, but the problem iseverywhere," Cox said. "It's not unique to thisdistrict, and for someone to criticize me becauseof it is ridiculous."
To address the lack of jobs, Panagopoulos saidhe supports a cut in the capital gains tax and asystem of tax credits that would reward companiesfor investment and the creation of jobs.
"Now we have to put people back to work," hesaid. "The government has to step in and createthe jobs."
Panagopoulos said he would work on obtainingmore local aid, which he said has decreased underCox's leadership.
The Republican said he also advocates limitingpublic officials to four two-year terms--a measurewhich Cox recently voted against thoughPanagopoulos charges that Cox pledged to supportit in the last election.
Cox, however, said he never made such apromise. "I said that I would only support such ameasure if all offices from governor down toschool committee were to have the same limits. Butthe plan that I voted against only dealt withterms in Congress," he said.
At Harvard, Panagopoulos has worked on ModelUnited Nations and served on the HarvardFoundation for Intercultural and Race Relations.In Eliot House, he has acted as an entrywayrepresentative on the house committee.
"It's great that he's taking the initiative toget into politics early," said Isidio Fernandez'93, who lives in Eliot. "He's one of those whoparticipates in the house but doesn't go aroundboasting it."
Robin L. Mitchell '94, another Eliot Houseresident, said she was surprised to hear that herclassmate was running for state office.
"It's shocking because I think of peoplerunning for state representative to be a lotolder," Mitchell said.
If elected, Panagopoulos said he will finishthe fall term before "taking some time off."
But in the long run, he said, he is "notlooking to a career in politics."
"I'm just working on this election," he said