
Best New Courses Held for Spring Term

Students Forced to Wait for Professor Lee; Fall Features New History Courses and Jamaica Kincaid

After a year's hiatus from his teaching duties, Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles will lead a graduate research course on biorganic chemistry.

But Chemistry 171, Molecular Enzymology, and Chemistry 172, biorganic chemistry--both listed under Knowles' name in last year's course catalog and bracketed until 1992-93--will not be offered this year.

The core program will offer its usual selection of eclectically titled, oversubscribed courses this year.

This year marks the return of a "double core." David S. Landes will be teaching Historical Study A-11, "Development and Underdevelopment: The Historical Origins of the Inequality of Nations," the only Core course which counts for two sections at once. The course will count towards both Historical Study A and Social Analysis Core credit, according to Susan W. Lewis, director of the Core program.

Despite the double credit, Landes says that the requirements aren't changed for the course, which was offered two years ago, also as a double Core. "It's a pretty heavy duty course to begin with," he says.


The course, taught in the fall, will be focusing on the problem of "why some countries are rich and others are poor, from a historical perspective." Landes says that the topic seems to have more important, especially in the public consciousness.

Another addition to the Core is Literature and Arts B-22, "Ancient Drawing and Painting," taught by Zemurray Stone-Radcliffe Professor Emily D. T. Vermeule. The fall course will study Greek and Roman painting.

Literature and Arts A-66, "The Myth of America," is new to the Core as Carswell Professor of English and American Language and of Comparative Literature Sacvan Bercovitch's version of former departmental course English 177y.

If you're interested in getting rich quick, be sure to be at the first lecture of Social Analysis 46: "Thinking About Politics: A Rational Choice Approach" this spring. Professor of Government Kenneth A. Shepsle will be auctioning off a ten-dollar bill as part of an object lesson.

Shepsle says that course material will examine politics at a number of levels, from the politics of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to those of breakaway East European nations.

Or you could stick to the standard Social Analysis 10, "Principles of Economics." Baker Professor of Economics Martin S. Feldstein '61 will remain at the spiritual helm of the mammoth course but Brian J. Hall will take over the duties of head section leader.

And students interested in an introduction to oceanic systems should take a closer look at Science B-50, "The Ocean," says assistant professor of Biology and of Earth and Planetary Sciences Joseph P. Montoya.

Montoya says that he planned the course as a companion to Science A-30, "The Atmosphere" with a more biological emphasis. The possible implications of changing carbon dioxide levels, Montoya says, will also be worked into the course's study of the carbon system in the oceans.

But if you want to take the course you'll have to wait--until the spring.

Ira E. Stoll and Joanna M. Weiss contributed to the preparation of this story.

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