One direct cost itemization form includes abudget item for "radioactive dog disposal."
The actual costs had been blacked out from thereleased documents.
Simmons says he is "outraged "that" ourprecious few health care dollars" are going to payfor items such as radioactive dog disposal.
Lage is upset that precious research money isbeing spent to pay for "redundant" regulators likeWiles.
But the calm in the center of the storm isCommissioner Stuart Wiles. Neither outraged norupset, he sits in his Inman Square office, itswalls decorated with colorful posters of tigers,rabbits, dolphins and guinea pigs.
At times, he appears easygoing, such as when hesays he says the gleaming new animal facilities atmany of Cambridge's new biotech firms are "enoughto make any veterinarian who owns a hospitalenvious."
Other times, though, he is darkly sober as hetouches the wooden mouse on his desk and recallswitnessing the cervical dislocation method.
"I didn't like it," he says.