
Top Headlines on a Fickle Campus

What May Be This Year's Biggest News-If Harvard Students Decide to Care

Epps is planning a retreat for student leaders in the fall, and student organizations involved in last semester's controversy have pledged to continue to meet. But it remains to be seen how much impact Epps will have on race relations and whether he will be able to soothe the campus.

Contract Negotiations

The 3500-member Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers is making a lot of noise this summer. The union and the University have been stalled in contract negotiations. The union's contract expired on June 30, before a new agreement could be reached.

The two sides are currently far away from agreeing on a salary structure, and the union has taken its case to the streets with protest marches, including one to President Neil L. Rudenstine's home at 33 Elmwood St..

While both sides expect to have a contract before the start of the academic year, observers say there is a slim possibility of a strike if they do not reach an agreement by then. A strike could dramatically slow the University's operation, especially during the beginning of classes.



Since the spring of 1990 Harvard has beendesparately seeking someone. It began with asearch for a president And once Rudenstine becamethe University 's 26th leader he embarked onsearches for a dean of first- year students a deanof the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, a provost adean of the Graduate School of Education.

Rudenstine filled all of these vacancies lastyear. But last month his choice for the EducationSchool Columbia Teachers college Professors LindaDarling Hammond backed out of the job citingpersonal reasons so now Rudenstine must resumethat search as well continue looking for a newvice president and general counsel.

Date Rape

Last year, the Date Rape Task Force, anadvisory body consisting of students and facultyreleased a report that defined rape as sex "whichoccurs without the expressed consent of theperson". The task force further recommended thatundergraduates participated in disciplinaryproceeding for date rape cases.

In response to the report the Colleges'students government the Undergraduate Counciladopted a measure recommending that date rape bedefined more narrowly as sex in which the victimexpresses unwillingness to have intercourse.

But the Radcliffe Union of Students questionedthe council's authority to make suchrecommendations and threw its weight be hind thetask force's report.

Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz called thewho debate "amateurish."

Dean of the College L. Fred Jewett '57 hasexpressed support for the task force's report, butHarvard change either the council or the taskforce's That Debate will reopen this fall.


In the spring of 1990 the Faculty of Arts andSciences issued an ultimatum. If the military didnot lift ban on gays and lesbians within two yearsthe Harvard the faculty would sever all ties withROTC.
