. Out past 9 p.m. two shillings.
. Careless work: ten shillings.
. Leaving town without permission: five shillings.
. Letting someone--besides a parent or guardian into--your chambers: five shillings.
. Associating with "any person of loose or ill character": five shillings.
. Swearing, cruising taking God's name in vain: five to ten shillings.
. Drunkenness: five shilling or a "publick confession."
. Playing a cards or dice ten shillings, or possible expulsion .
. Making "tumultouous Indecent Noises": five shillings.
"...if any Shall Presume to put on or wear Indecent Apparrell, he shall be punished According to the Nature and degree Offence, by the President or one of the Tutors; but if he wears womens Apprell, he shall be liable to publick admonition, degradation or Expulsion."