3 The Harvard men's hockey tean captures its 1000th win, sailing by Union 7-3. Harvard is only the second school in the nation to reach that milestone.
6 City University of New York professor Leonard Jeffries delivers a speech to a crowded Sanders Theatre while hundreds of students outside protest his appearance.
10 The Date Rape Task Force releases a report recommending that the College adopt an official policy on sexual misconduct. The Task Force alsosuggests a significant procedural change for casesin which one student makes a complaint againstanother.
15 Former Eliot House resident Paul EWylie '91 wins the silver medal in men's figureskating at the Winter Olympics in Albertville,France.
19 Both the men's and women's squashteam capture national titles, beating Yale 8-1 and5-4 respectively.
20 Concerned Christians at Harvard, anundergraduate group, demands that the Rev. PeterJ. Gomes, who is gay, resign as minister ofMemorial Church because he preaches thathomosexuality is not a sin.
3 Weld Professor of Law Derrick A. BellJr. requests an extension on his two-year leave ofabsence. Bell took an unpaid leave of absence inApril 1990 to protest the absence of minorityfaculty members. Law School administrators saythat Bell's request will not be granted, thoughthey do not rule out the possibility of hiseventual return.
3 Garbe Professor of Architecture andUrban Design peter J. Rowe, chair of theDepartment of Architecture and Urban Design, isnamed Dean of the Graduate School of Design byPresident Neil L. Rudenstine.
3 The supreme Judicial Court ofMassachusetts hears oral arguments in a suitbrought by Harvard Law School students against theUniversity for discrimination in faculty hiring.
10 Democrat Paul E. Tsongas coasts to aneasy victory in the Massachusetts primary and inlocal polling, while President bush wins bylandslide margins that had been predicted in theRepublican race. A Crimson poll shows that nearlyone half of students who describe themselves asDemocrats support Paul Tsongas in the bid for theparty's presidential nomination.
14 Cambridge and state transportationofficials reach an agreement on an alternativeplan to Scheme Z. The proposal moves the highwayconstruction project farther away from the CharlesRiver, lowers the height of the roadways andreduces the number of highways, ramps and loops.
30 A state medical board decides not tosuspend Dr. Margaret H. Bean-Bayog '65, a MedicalSchool psychiatrist accused of having an affairwith a patient who later committed suicide.
1 More than 400 students from fiveHarvard graduate schools walk out of classes tocall for increased faculty diversity.
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