But according to Clark efforts have been madeto diversify the faculty. He points out thatone-third of the appointments made during histhree years as dean have been to minorities orwomen.
Last fall the faculty voted to offer twoassistant professorships to women. One of thosewomen was one of the three women ever to bepresident of the Harvard Law Review.
Last month a tenure-tracked Black law professorwas given full tenure. While students applaudedthe appointment, it was not unusual and had longbeen anticipated.
Dean Clark also issued a request to theAdmissions Committee asking them to provide a listof women and minority candidates by next fall.Clark said he was particularly concerned aboutwomen candidates.
In an open forum, Clark said he hopes thefaculty will continue to offer four or fiveappointments each year to dramatically boost thenumber of scholars teaching at the school.
But before Clark's goal can be met, the faculty will need to agree on the criteria for making thoseappointments. And as long s the debate rages on,it will be difficult for any consensus to bereached and any changes to made