
Minister Reflects on Attention

Attacked by Right, Gomes Won't Yield

Conservatives concede the presence of internaldissent within several Christian churches.Concerned Christians leader Anderson says thosechurches that follow The Bible continue policiesprohibiting homosexuality among members.

Gomes says he expects churches to become "moreenlightened" as society does. "I think it is fairto say that churches are no more enlightened thanthe people in them," he says.

Examining the Issues

Gomes also stepped briefly into a campuswidedebate on race relations and the status of HarvardFoundation director S. Allen Counter.

Counter, a close friend of Gomes, wascriticized by The Crimson and some students forwhat some termed the insensitive tone of a letterhe wrote to the newspaper in April.


The minister, who authored the report thatrecommended the Foundation's creation, backedCounter, but the debate that dominated the campusfor weeks continues to trouble Gomes.

Heated debates about race and homosexualitydemonstrate that Harvard has difficulty discussingserious issues calmly, says Gomes.

"The level and the volume of debate isincreasingly heated and loud," says Gomes, "butthe ability to step back and examine the issues isa very rare quality."

Gomes may have reason to be wary of thevolatile campus atmosphere. Concerned Christiansleaders say the group will continue to pursueGomes' resignation. The group also plans to act asa resource for Christian first-years who may beupset to find the University chaplain is gay,Anderson says.

At the same time, BGLSA members say they hopeGomes will participate in their organization'sevents next year. And that could provoke even morecriticism from Concerned Christians.

Gomes says he will consider invitations fromthe BGLSA just as he considers invitations fromother groups. In the same deep, calm tones withwhich he delivers sermons, Gomes says he willnever bow to pressure from Concerned Christians orany other group.

"If I have one virtue--which some may call avice--it is consistency," he says.Crimson File PhotoThe Rev. PETER J. GOMES
