Stone was a NASA staff scientist who was chiefscientist for the Voyager project since 1972. NASAsent two Voyager unmanned spacecraft into space.The vehicles have sent pictures form Uranus andNeptune and discovered several new moons in thesolar system.
"A major part of Voyager's success is duedirectly to the way Ed Stone has managed thescience program all these years," the AtlantaJournal-Constitution wrote in 1989. "He is anunusual, perhaps unique, blend of brilliantmultidisciplinary scientist and intuitivemanager."
Stone has taught physics at the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology since 1976, served aschair of the Division of Physics, Math andAstronomy and currently directs the CalTech jetPropulsion Laboratory.
Clifton R. Wharton Jr. '47
Wharton enrolled at Harvard at age 16, was thefirst Black member of WHRB and graduated cumlaude in 1947. An economist and expert oninternational affairs, Wharton began his tenure asthe first Black president of Michigan stateUniversity in 1969 and became Chancellor of theState University of New York in 1978.
He is currently Chief Executive Officer of theTeachers Insurance Annuity Association and CollegeRetirement Equity Fund, the largest privatepension system in the nation.
Robert M. Adams.
Adams, an anthropologist and educator, servedas provost of the University of Chicago. Hisscholarship focuses on early state formation inthe ancient Near East and the New World. Born in1926, Adams' work includes field studies on thehistory of irrigation and urban settlement inIraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran and reconnaissance andexcavation missions of ancient Mayan settlementsin Mexico in the late 1950s.
Adams earned a PhB in 1947, an M.A. in 1952,and a Ph.D in 1956, all form the University ofChicago.
He has taught anthropology at numerousuniversities, including the University of Chicagoand Johns Hopkins. He has also authored fourworks, including Land Behind Baghdad andThe Heartland of Cities. He now serves asSecretary of the Smithsonian Institution inWashington.
Gro Harlem Brundtland, the Norwegian primeminister, will also receive an honorary degree.(See story A-1.)
This story was written and reported bymembers of the Crimson staff.