
Physics Offers Two Tenure

Franklin Would Be First Senior Woman in Dept.

Physics graduate students praised Franklinyesterday, citing her teaching skills and lack ofpretense.

'Different Style'

"We're very pleased," said Colin P. Jessup, asixth-year graduate student. "She's a verydifferent style of professor, and we needed moreyoung professors. We like her a lot."

Assistant Dean of the Faculty for AcademicPlanning Joseph J. McCarthy, who helps oversee theFaculty's affirmative action planning, saidyesterday that Franklin's appointment from withinthe department was "good news."

"This is exactly what we hope will beaccomplished," he said. "We've tried to makeprogress in this area."


Franklin served as a junior fellow in thePhysics Department before being appointedassistant professor in 1989. In 1991, she waspromoted to associate professor as part of a fouryear appointment.

Normally, a junior faculty member serves fouryears as associate professor before being reviewedfor tenure, but Georgi said that it was "clearlytime" to promote Franklin.

Huth has been at the Fermi Institute, locatedin West Chicago, Ill., since 1985.

Georgi said that Franklin would be a welcomeaddition to the department. "I've believed forsome time that we need more women on the faculty,"he said.

Franklin said that her appointment wouldhopefully strengthen the department's ties to itsyounger members.

"Students are the best part of the department,"she said. "There are a lot of undergraduate womeninterested in physics, without a lot ofconfidence. This should help inspire them."

McCarthy agreed that the appointment couldserve to inspire other women in the field.

"This should be real encouragement, not just atHarvard, but in the world of serious scienceoverall," he said. "I hope she accepts."

In addition to Law, the department has just onefemale junior faculty member. Neither holds tenuretrack positions
