
Security Officials Deny New Charge By Minority Guard

Division Divided on Harassment Issue

A University security guard yesterday became the third person in a week of level charges of harassment against supervisors in the security division of the Harvard Police Department.

The guard, a Russian citizen who asked not to be named because he is a political refugee, said security supervisor Thomas Henaghan has harassed him "almost every day" for the past two years.

These charges follow those made by a Black guard who said last week that Manager of Operations for Police and Security Robert J. Dowling and Donald Behenna, another between January and July of 1991.

And a former guard, Rolando Diaz, and Dowling fired him harassed him and Dowling fired him because of his national original.

Dowling ,Police Chief Paul E. Johnson and Vice President and General Counsel Daniel Steiner '54 have all denied these charges.


The most recent charges, like the two that preceded it, are sharply disputed by police officials. And nearly two dozen University guard interviewed this week painted vastly different pictures of the treatment of minority guards within the department.

The Russian guard said yesterday he was suspended last month shortly after he had complained about harassment by a supervisor.

But Henaghan said yesterday that he had never Harassed the guard. He said the because the guard warranted close supervision because the guard in the past had been found by supervisors out of uniform, sleeping on the job and away from hispost.

The guard sent a letter on March 11 to Johnsonsaying Henaghan had harassed him on numerousoccasions.

According to documents obtained by The Crimson,the guard was suspended for three days last monthand warned that further infractions of departmentrules would result in permanent dismissal.

In suspending the guard, the department said hehad "purposefully" lied in a hearing held to probethe incident of alleged harassment. The guard wasalso out of uniform at the time, the departmentsaid, another factor resulting in suspension.

But the guard said yesterday that hissuspension was retaliation for his March 11complaint of harassment.

"I sent a complaint to Johnson. He sent it toDowling, and he suspended me," the guard said.

The guard also said Dowling created anatmosphere in the department where bigotry andethnically-motivated harassment are tolerated.

"There is harassment every time," said theguard. "They make jokes about me."

The Russian guard is appealing his suspensionand awaiting a hearing.
