While he admitted that he knew little about thejournalist's specific case, Gorbachev said, "I cansay that it was a retaliatory move. Let me say'thank God' that those years are over."
Rudenstine and Carnesale presented Gorbachevwith a Harvard chair, for which he laughinglyexpressed his thanks.
The talk was well-received by the audience,which included Harvard undergraduates, graduatestudents and faculty, among others.
But not everyone was enthusiastic aboutGorbachev's visit. Across the street from theForum, members of the John Birch Society held upsigns saying, "Tyrant Go Home" and "Gorby NobelPrize for Murder."
"It's giving credibility and positive publicityto somebody who is a mass murderer ... responsiblefor Russian helicopters dropping booby-trappedbombs on Afghanistan," said society member Jean I.Gray.
However, some residents of Kirkland Houseapparently disagreed. They displayed their ownlarge sign, reading "Gorby You The Man."