
ABC Broadcasts From the Yard

Good Morning America Televises Interviews, Undergraduate Life

Citing statistics about the high percentage ofstudents on financial aid and from public highschools, Fitzsimmons said that perceptions ofHarvard as unattainable are mistaken.

Later, Lunden asked for a show of hands fromprivate school graduates and then from publicschool graduates. The second show of hands wasaccompanied by loud cheering.

In an interview after the show, both hosts saidthey were pleased with its outcome, but concededthat many serious issues were glossed over.

"If this were a three-hour public radio showwithout commercials, maybe we could do more,"Gibson said.

Security was tight around the event, with anumber of uniformed police officers supervised byLt. Lawrence Murphy of the Harvard UniversityPolice Department.


This reporter, mistaken for a member of theHarvard Lampoon, was initially refused entranceinto the area. Actual Lampoon members did not makea stir, although one student did sneak into theaudience wearing a green monster mask.

Good Morning America officialsapproached the student, then backed away seeingthat the individual had a guest tag. Murphy,however, escorted the student out of the enclosedarea.CrimsonHaibin Jiu...while A. Dog waits for the end of thefestivities.
