
CLUH Report Seeks Reform of Ad Board

Another major component of the reportencourages the Ad Board to publish its pastdecisions to establish public precedent.

Erbsen said precedents would help to educatethe community and would possibly prevent someoffenses from being repeated.

And he said such a list would help chargedstudents prepare for their own cases by "givingthem an idea how the Ad Board views certainoffenses."

Jewett conceded the importance of precedents,but he said a list of cases from this past fallwill not be available until next year.

When challenged on the same question last fall,Jewett said then too that he was preparing a listand that it would take time.


The CLUH report also calls for officials toprovide students with the information about the AdBoard process that "a student needs to effectivelydefend himself before the Ad Board."

Erbsen said that students are not adequatelybriefed on their options when brought up in frontof the Board.

Student Membership

One such option is appearing in front of theStudent Faculty Judicial Board (SFJB)--an Ad Boardalternative with student membership created tohandle cases not clearly covered by Universityrules.

He said that CLUH asked a number of seniortutors about the SFJB and only a few said theyknew enough about this option to suggest it tostudents.

According to the report, the alternative boardhas heard only one case since its creation in1987.

Jewett said he "does not object to looking atthat board."

The Ad Board, which handles all disciplinarymatters for undergraduates and is responsible forgranting exceptions to College rules, consists ofall senior advisers for first-year students, allhouse senior tutors, and other College andUniversity administrators.

According to the CLUH report, the Ad Boardhears about 170 disciplinary cases each year
