
Students Stage Overnight Sit-In Outside Law School Dean's Office

Protestors Seek More Active Recruitment of Minority, Women Faculty

"He talks with students about conciliation, butin outside publications read by alumni he talksabout student insecurity as being the reason forthe diversity movement," Corazin said, referringto a March 25 editorial in The Wall Street Journalwhich identified Clark as a"counterrevolutionary."

The diversification movement also reached themeeting of the Law Review last week, when a numberof students left a cocktail party where Fried wasspeaking, according to Rebecca Eisenberg.Eisenberg said she had a cordial discussion withFried over her wearing of a red arm band insupport of the diversity movement.

Students said this year's protest appears to bethe most explosive display of student anger in thelast decade.

"This has escalated beyond any previousprotest," said second-year Katya Komisaruk. "Thisis the first time people have been committed tobeing arrested. The provocation and comment by thedean has caused the crescendo."

But Dean Clark said he saw the sit-in as partof the annual spring protests. "It's not radicallydifferent from my first spring here," said Clark.


Clark said he was anxious for "rambunctiousdiscussion." Clark, who said he did not plan toremove the students from his office, did say that"it is important for an institution to takedisciplinary action." The punishment, according tothe dean, would not be particularly harsh
