Disciplinary action against Carney, the outgoing president of the Black Law StudentsAssociation, might prevent her from graduatingthis June, Cicchino said.
Cicchino said the defense he and Fisher werepreparing would portray the protest as "entirelynon-violent and minimally disruptive." He saidthat the nine students would likely testify, andthat the defense would also call upon "staffmembers" for testimony. He would not rule outincluding faculty in that category.
Cicchino predicted that Vagts, whom he called"eminently fair," will present a far differentpicture.
"The testimony that will be given will depictthe sit-in in the most negative terms possible,"Cicchino said.
Calling Clark "vindictive," Cicchino suggestedthat the dean was responsible for the incidentgoing as far as it has with the Ad Board.
"Everyone knows the dean is the real drivingforce behind this," Cicchino said "in every way hepossibly could, he made this experience asdivisive, as painful, as adversarial as itpossibly could be."
"But that is par for the course," Cicchinoadded. "That's standard operating practice forhim."
The Ad Board, which consists of twoadministrators, three professors and one studentfrom each of the three classes, will heararguments Monday, but a decision will not occuruntil later, after the board has deliberated.
Any decision would involve first findingwhether a violation occurred and seconddetermining what sanction--if any--would be leviedagainst the students