Although the faculty's decision may be delayed,Cavazos said she will not stop working on the ROTCissue.
Cavazos said that within the next couple ofweeks she plans to draft a letter to thecommittee, which will be signed by the leaders ofall University gay organizations.
In addition, she said, she and Kolko willparticipate in a Harvard Political Union debate onROTC with members of the Republican Club in thelast week of April.
Republican Club President Emil G. Michael '94said he and Republican Club Policy DirectorChristopher L. Garcia '95 will represent the clubin the forum. They have represented the club inmeetings with three members of the ROTC committee.
The Republican Club will also continue to workon the ROTC issue, meeting with the remainingcommittee members and launching a campus postercampaign, distributing green "Support ROTC" flyersto be placed in dorm windows, Michael said.
He said he feared that with the delay, thereport on ROTC would come out in the summer andthus limit student input. But he said he was lessconcerned after he and other Republican Clubmembers met with President Rudenstine yesterday.
"He assured us the decision would not comeabout until school is in session," Michael said.
Michael said he thinks the committee's delay,and its abandonment of the ultimatum, is a goodsign.
"There is some serious consideration going onthat that resolution was misplaced," Michael said