
Tutor's Letter Prompts Sharp Response

Berry Promises Not to Remove Toaster Oven From Dunster Kosher Table

"To provide kosher food without a kosher ovenis equivalent to not providing any kosher food,"Held said.

Under Orthodox Jewish dietary restrictions, anoven used to heat kosher food cannot be used fornon-kosher food.

"I don't know whether to be offended, annoyed,or simply to laugh," Held said. "I'm disappointedthat anyone would betray such a lack ofunderstanding of the issues at hand."

Ignatiev--who declined to comment on his ownreligious beliefs--said yesterday that hiscomments were not intended to offend anyone.

"I consider myself very sensitive to issues ofdiverse groups," he said. "I do not consider theletter to be in the least bit intolerant of anyperson's views, religious or otherwise."


The tutor added that he was motivated to voicehis concerns by a belief in the need to maintaindistinctions between religion and education.

Church-State Separation

"In a certain sense what I'm talking about isthe separation of church and state," saidIgnatiev, who is a tutor in the Committee onDegrees in History and Literature.

But Ignatiev said that he would not object toJewish students purchasing a toaster oven forkosher use out of their own funds.

"I would have no objection whatsoever to peoplewho wish to keep kosher pooling their money to buya toaster oven or accepting the donation of afriend who wants to by it for them," he said.

Dunster House Master Karel F. Liem saidyesterday that he has offered to pay for the ovenhimself, although he said he did not agree withIgnatiev that the University's purchase of thespecial toaster "is against any principles."

"I personally wrote out a check to cover thecost of the toaster oven," Liem said, adding thathe was not sure whether Berry would accept themoney.

Berry said last night that he has not heardfrom Liem. But he said that although he mightaccept a donation, he would do so reluctantly
