
Fine Arts to Offer Koerner Tenure

"I know that he's very approachable, and thatthe students will not only learn a lot from him,but enjoy themselves while they are doing so," shesaid.

Fine Arts graduate students unanimously approveof Koerner, said fourth-year graduate studentKristina H. Nguyen.

"His courses are always extremely challengingand diverse in terms of themes he likes to cover,"said Nguyen, who took a seminar with Koerner onart and the Reformation.

Nguyen described Koerner as "extremely nice,very helpful, very conscientious towards students.He is full of bibliographical help andencouragement."

Koerner recently completed a book about 19thcentury Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich.He also wrote a book,Legends of theSign,about painter Paul Klee, and is currentlyworking on a book about German Renaissance art.


Bryson said he and Koerner first met whenKoerner was studying at Cambridge University.Koerner went to Yale University "in the great daysof the Yale French Department and Yale literarystudies," Bryson said. He also studied atHeidelberg and the University of California atBerkeley
