
Joking From Emerson College To MTV


Though Clark maintains that "there's not amarket that I really don't appeal to," heacknowledges the importance of his collegefollowing.

"I find them willing to go out with you onmaterial that's pretty extreme. I think they'remuch more willing and open to new ideas."

Much of Anthony Clark's current comedic successcan be attributed to his universal accessibilityand simple, unoffensive nature of his material.

"Comedy comes from real life to me," Clarksays. "I see it every day. I can sit in a mall andwatch people for an hour and a half and laugh myass off because I think people are so funny."

Barclay also praises Clark's easygoing comicstyle. "There are comedians who lecture theaudience about what's right or wrong with ourworld, but Anthony takes a more relaxed look atlife and laughs at it. He's not cynical like a lotof comics. He's silly."


Clark brings humor to even the most mundanesituations, such as the process of selecting astate motto.

The state motto of Oklahoma, I swear to God,they print it right on their license plates, is'Oklahoma is OK.' You gotta wonder what theirchoices were to come up with this piece ofshit....

"We got our five final choices for Oklahomastate license plate. Billy Bob, you wanna read 'emoff?"

"We have:

A. Oklahoma is OK.

B. Oklahoma. The circus has been heretwice.

C. Oklahoma. Some people say we don'tsuck.

D. Oklahoma. Trees are made of wood.

E. Oklahoma, Oklahoma. There, I said ittwice."

Clark also derives comedic material fromobservations of political and social situations inthe news.
