Judith Jamison--master class. AgassizHouse, Radcliffe Dance Center, 10 Garden St., 4:30p.m. Free.
Harvard Film Archive--presents TheInformer at 5:15 and 9:15 p.m. The Shop in MainStreet at 7 p.m.
Talk with Judith Jamison--by JudithJamison, Ruth Page Visiting Artist. Agassiz House,Radcliffe Dance Center, 7 p.m. Free.
Challenges to Democracy in Russia--paneldiscussion with Valery Zorkin, chairman,Constitutional Court, Russian Federation; MichaelSandel, Professor of Government; and GrahamAllison, Douglas Dillon Professor of Government,and director, Strengthening DemocraticInstitutions Project, Kennedy School ofGovernment, Arco Forum, 79 JFK St., 8 p.m.
Witchcraft and the Modern Neo-PaganMovement--Dunster House, Private Dining Room,5:30 p.m. Call Jessica Panko at 493-6187 for moreinformation.
The Economic Aspects of the Czech-SlovakConflict--by Alex Capek, Institute ofEconomics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.CES, Cabot Seminar Room, 27 Kirkland St., 4:15p.m.
Cross-Cultural Buddhist Perspectives onNature--by Masatoshi Nagatomi, professor.Coolidge Hall, Room 4, 4:15 p.m.
Higher Education Administration: Careers forWomen in Student Services and Operations--byJoanne Allen-Willoughby, Assistant dean, RadcliffeCollege; and Margaret Plympton, vice president forinformation technology, and associate treasurer,Wellesley College. Agassize House, 4 p.m. $5general; free for students with HU identification.Registration is required. Call 495-8631 or496-1855 to register.
Some Social Consequences of a BabyFace--by Leslie Zebrowitz, associate professorand coordinator, Gerontology Program, Universityof Northern Colorado, and visiting scholar, MurrayResearch Center. Murray Research Center,Conference Room, noon.
Reconstruction--by Randall Kennedy,professor of law, HLS, and editor, ReconstructionMagazine. KSG, Taubman 275, noon.
SFAR-DATA-The Codicological Data-base of theHebrew Paleography Project and Its SophisticatedRetrieval System: A Tool for Dating and LocalizingMedieval Manuscripts and for HistoricalData--by Malachi BeitArie, professor ofcodiocology and paleography, Hebrew University ofJerusalem, and director, Hebrew PaleographyProject, Israel Academy of Sciences andHumanities. Widener Library, Room 745, 1 p.m.Wednesday, 18 March
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UNION OPENS THIS MORNINGAll parts of the Union, excepting the Library and Dining Room, will, beginning today, be open during the regular hours,
Brass Band.Band rehearsal to-day, at 4.30 P.M., in Band Room, Holmes Field.