"It is unacceptable when the rules that are set down for these activities are not followed," Tosteson said, "so I have no problem with the attempts of Congressman [John D.] Dingell [D-Mich.] to make sure that this and all sectors of the economy behave."
However, the dean said that the audit does not address a more fundamental issue.
"The policy of the government for Provost Search In response to questions about the provostsearch, Tosteson said President Neil L.Rudenstine, who is heading the search, should seeksomeone with knowledge of all the components ofthe University and not just the Medical School. "I certainly feel that there are a number ofpeople in the faculty [of Medicine] who arewell-suited for the post, as well as in otherfaculties," he said. "I think it's important forthe person who assumes this role to have aUniversity-wide perspective." The provost will be the second-highest rankingUniversity-wide administrator after the President