
At Harvard

Thursday 6 Feb.


"Racial Socialization in African-American Families"--by Janie Ward, assistant professor of education and human services at Simmons College. Conference Room, Murray Research Center, Radcliffe Yard at noon.

Coping With China: U.S.-China Policy--Robert Ross, Dept. of Political Science, Boston College. Room 1, Coolidge Hall, at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday 12 Feb.


Harvard Film Archive--Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song directed by Melvin Van Peebles at 7 p.m. $6.50. Paths of Glory directed by Stanley Kubrick at 5:15 and 9 p.m. $6.50.



Michael Graves--architect, Princeton. The presentation is a part of the Graduate School of Design's Lecture and Exhibition Series on Design. Piper Auditorium, Gund Hall at 6 p.m.

The Politics of Literacy: The Ethiopian Literacy Campaign--Radcliffe College Colloquium Series presents Susan J. Hoben, Bunting Institute fellow and adjunct assistant professor of anthropology any research associate, African Studies Center, Boston University. Bunting Institute, 4 p.m. Live-Aid wasn't enough for them.

Keep In Mind

The 15 MINUTES Boardwill be holding a spring comp meeting on February 24, 1992, at the Harvard Crimson building. Crimson Design, which also helps produce 15 MINUTES, will meet at the same time and place.
