Despite these problems, the rent on Pierce'sapartment increased $50 in the past year--adifficult burden for an unemployed woman onwelfare supporting a seven-member family.
Julia O. Gregory, president of the EvictionFree Zone, said one of the main problems facingnon-English speaking residents is that they arenot aware of their rights.
She added that important documents, includingrent control ordinances and leases, are notavailable in translation, and thus make them morevulnerable as tenants.
"There's always a fear of retaliation," shesaid. "And there are always subtle forms ofintimidation."
The tenants' fears are real and, since they areunequipped to defend their rights, the rentincreases are exploitive, said Meacham of theEviction Free Zone.
LaFontant added that the tenants were finallyfed up with "living in a dump," and that it wastime to take action against landlords who areintimidating the tenants.
"It was hard for them," said Meacham. "Butbeing organized is protection againstretaliation."