
Council Endorses Plan for Concert

Backs Privately Organized Event

Beys said that he had to take extraordinaryaction because of the special deal offered by theSpin Doctors and the time constraints associatedwith it.

"I had to make some quick decisions thatcouldn't be democratic," he said, "But if I hadthe time, I would have gone through the properchannels and will in the future."

Council leaders said they were unsure whetherthe council constitution permits it to sponsor aparty at an off-campus club.

"We ratified it, but we don't know if there's arule saying that the U.C. can't throw a party in abar," Beys said.

Beys acknowledged in the interview that thecouncil decision posed a conflict-of-interestproblems.


He said his personal involvement in the SpinDoctors project may have been the main reason thecouncil took the unusual step of endorsing aprivately funded and organized social event.

'Very Irregular'

"It is very irregular," said Beys. "I agree itcould be interpreted as a conflict of interest.That's why I brought it before the whole council."

Beys pointed to the council's endorsement asfull vindication of his efforts.

"If they didn't want to sponsor the event, theydidn't have to vote to endorse it," he said.

But Beys said he was worried that the decisionmight set a bad precedent for future councilinvolvement with private social events.

"I tried to do a good thing for the council. Ihope my intentions haven't been misunderstood," hesaid. "I hope that indeed doesn't set a badprecedent."

Heinicke said he presented the bill to thecouncil floor so members would give it a fairhearing.

He made it clear that the council had noliability in what he called a "loan," and not an"appropriation" of council funds, to Beys.

"The U.C. involvement was a nominal $20,"Heinicke said. "Mike has taken all the financialrisks him-self," Heinicke said
