
A Sharp Shift to the New Right For Campus Conservatives

"That's a very unfair characterization," he says.

As the stigma of this image has lessened in recent years, the Republicans have grown to "two or three times larger than the [Harvard- Radcliffe] Democrats," says Michael.

While Michael concedes the majority of the Harvard campus is liberal, he claims that there is a large silent conservative" group which does not participate in campus politics.

Landry attacked the liberal majority which stands in judgement of his beliefs.

"Some of the people I considered myself friends with, as soon as they realized I was going to be an active conservative changed their views of me," he says.


Landry went further, claiming that the campus and the administrations subject conservatives to a "double-standard" from liberals.

"[Conservatives] are put under scruples that I believe the rest of the campus is not put under," says Landry.

In particular, Landry says the administration allows organizations on the extreme left like the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Students Association (BGLSA) and the Organization for the Advancement of Sexual Minorities (ORGASM) to get away with tactics used by AALARM, for which it was reprimanded.

"I think there is an inherent complicity on the part of the Harvard administration to capitulate to people on the left] "says Landry. "And [people on the left] know it."

"[BGLSA] is assumed to have substance while AALARM is assumed to not have substance," adds McDonald.

Conservatives and the University

Landry claims that Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III is among those discriminating against conservative groups.

"For some leftists in 1969 to walk into [the Dean of Students'] office, literally lift him off his desk, carry him down backwards down the steps of University Hall and not to get any disciplinary action is silly," adds Landry, referring to a much-publicized event during the takeover of University Hall. "If a bunch of conservatives were to do the same thing, they would've been tossed out a long time ago."

Epps refuses to respond specifically to Landry's allegations, but insists he has been "fairly evenhanded" in dealing with different campus groups.

"The college environment must be based on tolerance and civility," he says. "Those principles should be applied across the political spectrum."
