
Wilson, RUS Differ on Clubs

Students Say Radcliffe Provides Inadequate Resources

"I don't know why [students] don't want to usethe common rooms in the houses [for socialactivity]," Wilson said.

"Harvard has been designed with a house systemspecifically not to have a student center."

Yellin said that Wilson's approach is "passingthe buck."

"Radcliffe says talk to Harvard, Harvard saystalk to your house masters and the house masterssay we don't have enough space, talk to Harvard,"Yellin said.

Confounding the differences in vision may be acommunication problem between undergraduateactivists and the Radcliffe administration.


Wilson, for example, said students have notapproached her this year to ask for Radcliffe'shelp in creating social space for parties.

RUS members acknowledge this, saying they havenot approached Wilson because she has beenunresponsive in the past.

"Linda Wilson is not perceived as beingapproachable," says Martha, E. Rojas `93, adding,"She's been so hard to talk to [in the past] thatpeople don't go talk to her."

One apparent manifestation of this lack ofcommunication is Wilson's lack of familiarity withall-female social clubs on campus.

One such club, called the Bee, was formed lastspring. And RUS members last month protectedanother alleged club, called the Cliffe.

Not Exclusive?

RUS has harshly criticized what they see as anexclusive basis for these clubs. But Wilson saidshe thinks the clubs are not exclusive.

"I've heard that the students are not trying tobe exclusive in this'" Wilson said. "I think thatis very valuable.
