
Students Celebrate Diversity

Smits Emcees

The show also received a warm response fromparticipants and viewers alike.

"For once I felt Harvard is a real community.This is the one day you see the real diversity ofHarvard," said Lisa A. Harewood '94, who performedwith the Caribbean Club.

Smits, who received the invitation to host theshow in November, said that it was the spirit ofthe organization that compelled him to accept.

"I enjoyed that we could all sit down andadmire the beauty of the differences in cultures.It's something that young people have topreserve," said Smits in an interview after theshow.

And Counter lavished praise upon his guesthost. "He is the greatest host we've ever had,"Counter said.


The show in Sanders was followed by a food festin Memorial Hall. For a dollar, hundreds ofstudents enjoyed exotic food such as Caribbeanfish patties and Greek baklava
