
Chuck D Speaks at Sanders

Rap Star, Nation of Islam Rep. Discuss Black Role Models

"The Black man is...the god of the universe,"he said. "Every time I look at the Black man I'mlooking at God."

Muhammad was booed and hissed by the audiencefor some of his comments on the role of women,which he said was "submission" to men.

"When a real man gets on the scene, allfeminists have got to shut up," he said.

The Nation of Islam representative repeatedlycondemned "white universities" and "whiteeducation" and emphasized the need for Blackstudents to learn from a Black perspective.

"It [a diploma] says you have completed thetraining of our slavemaster," he said. "They[white people] use education to further theiraims."


Muhammad also condemned the actions of Israeltoward Palestinians, holding up a book publishedby the Nation of Islam titled The SecretRelationship Between Blacks And Jews.

"The state of Israel stands today as an outlawnation," he said. "Zionism is a racistphilosophy.
