

Candidates Split Up, Fan Out, Looking to Prove Themselves

In a remark that several newspapers considered front page news, Bush called his challenger by name for the first time and said he would campaign in the South more than he had in New Hampshire.

Dakota Face Off

Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey and Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, who finished within a percentage point of each other in the race for third in New Hampshire, will face off next week in South Dakota.

Both are campaigning vigorously in the state--which borders both Nebraska and Iowa--and each hopes to establish himself as the clear alternative to frontrunner Tsongas and Clinton.

With both Kerrey and Harkin hoping to capture the Midwest, the loser in South Dakota could quickly be forced out of the race.


Brown, however, has vowed to remain in the race through the June California primary.

This week, Brown is campaigning hard in Maine, where he hopes to beat both Harkin and Kerrey and reinvigorate his campaign.
