
New Group Pursues Gomes' Resignation

Students Cite Minister's View on Homosexuality

Sandra Cavazos '92, co-chair of Bisexual Gayand Lesbian Students Association, said she"vehemently" disagrees with the view thatChristian homosexuals must repent for sinning.

"It is possible to be a Christian and to loveGod and to still be gay," said Cavazos.

Anderson said his group does not questionGomes' position on the faculty, only his post atMemorial Church.

Anderson stressed that his group is notlaunching a personal vendetta against Gomes but isobjecting to his performance as Harvard's"spiritual leader."

"Love the sinner and despise the sin," saidAnderson, adding, "What [Gomes] is really doing ispreaching the gospel of Gomes instead of thegospel of Christ."


Anderson said he has received support from"people who stopped attending Memorial Churchafter Gomes' newly-announced beliefs."

Divinity School professors interviewedyesterday said the new group is interpreting theBible too literally and disputed the call forGomes' resignation.

Morison Professor of New Testament StudiesHelmut H. Koester acknowledged that the Bible isagainst homosexuality but said "that only comes ifyou are a Biblical literalist."

Assistant Professor of the Old TestamentTheodore Hiebert said parts of the Bible may notbe appropriate to a contemporary code of socialethics.

"The question that all people have to ask aboutBiblical material is which material they considerto be relevant to be followed today and whichnot," Hiebert said.

Hiebert pointed out that many parts of theBible are outdated. For example, polygamy isaccepted in the Bible but illegal today, he said.

Barbara E. Johnson, chair of the Women'sStudies Department, said that the new organizationis unfairly judging Gomes by its own standards.

"No one holds a patent on the teaching ofChristianity," said Johnson. "The church isconstantly in the process of rediscovering what aChristian life is."

She said that Gomes' announcement that he isgay has only served to help the church andencourage its development.

"An honest debate on controversial issues isstrengthening for the church," said Johnson. "Ithink [Gomes has] shown great moral courage.
