
15 MINUTES with the Spin Doctors


CB: I love those guys. I've known them since I was a teenager.

15 MINUTES: Why are you so popular?

CB: Why are we so popular? I think it's because we have a sincere love of the search and service we perform. If we're anything we're sincere. And although everyone's a hypocrite, we're trying to burn our fingers on sparks and I'm sure that must be entertaining to most. Just to search don't be afraid of life that's usually so mundane. We're saying don't be afraid.

15 MINUTES: Where's your next step?

CB: We've been out of the country. Ithink it's three times. for the first time, now,we're going to go counterclockwise.


15 MINUTES: How was your reception inSan Francisco?

CB: We're doing well in San Francisco.Its not just the deadheads that come to see us.Its the intellectuals, weirdos, gay people. We'rerealy interested in human question, and so are TheDead. God bless them. I happen to think they'reone of the greatest rock bands that ever came downthe pike. But God knows there is more to the worldthan rock and roll bands, as you well know.there's physics and orgasms and pineapples.

15 MINUTES: Who're you going to vote forfor president?

CB: I wish Frank Zappa would bepresident. I'm a devout American. I think theprinciples, the original concept of the americandemocracy, is a beautiful concept for agovernment. I'm not sure if the execution lives upto it. I'm afraid if I vote for Zappa, I would besupporting Bush. So my answer is anybody but Bush.

15 MINUTES: How many years is Tysongoing to get?

CB: If he is really guilty, they shouldput his ass away. It's a shame that the other mostpopular rapists lately got acquitted and the Blackguy gets thrown in jail. I mean if he did, I hopethey fry his genitalia. If he didn't, I hope he'snot taking the fall just because he's Black.

15 MINUTES: Is your music alternative?

CB: It's rock and roll in the broadestsense. If rock and roll is a range of fieldsstretching from reggae to heavy metal, andeverything in between stemming from Africanrhythms and tonalties, then we are a rock and rollband in the broadest sense of the term. The onelabel I can't put on all our tunes is rock androll. My favorite rock and roll band is theRolling Stones. I like Jonathan Richmond and theModern Lovers. I really think people should readmore poetry.

15 MINUTES: Who are your favorite poets?

CB: I really like Homer a lot. I likethe classics. I think there's a need forreconstruction in poetry. I've read the Odysseythree times, three different translations. A lotof people who read this are thinking, god thisguy's pompous...I like the Greeks a lot. I love toread cool literature. That's my favorite chore, toread arcane, abstract tomes.
