
Elm Street Insanity

Campaign Diary

"She thought Sununu would be the better president," Petch said.

Sununu visited the store after the signs went up Saturday, and was pleasant but modest, he said.

"He told us if we really wanted to help, we should support the president," Petch said, adding that a White House driver and photographer were sent to record the display.

Petch also said the signs have brought much attention, mostly from the press. "Several people have asked up for bumper stickers," Petch said. "Someone said we'd been seen on Japanese television, though I can't vouch for that."

But while the excitement up and down Elm provided grist for reporters, many were nonplussed by the crowds. After passing through the circus-like scene, one voter intentionally kicked over a public garbage can.


"This is a fucking insane asylum," the man muttered as he stepped into the relative sanity of the polls to cast his vote.
