"Up until this moment it seems the many timeshe's competed he's never had one of those flawlessperformances," Lee said.
Brunner said she too was stunned by Wylie'ssuccess. "It was really shocking," she said. "Idon't think my nerves can handle anymore but itmakes all the years of work come together."
This was the first time that Brunner hadattended one of Wylie's competitions, she added.
"I remember the look on his face, and I'mreally proud of him," Brunner said.
Robi L. Soni '90, Wylie's roommate for fouryears at Harvard, said that his most vivid memoryof Wylie was watching him review videotapes of hispast performances.
"When he won, I felt vicariously vindicated forhim in a way," Soni said