The same support has been given to Clinton's wife Hillary, who was introduced as the next First Lady of the United States at the Clinton celebration after debate party on Sunday. When asked by The Crimson what he thought of being called "Hillary's husband," the Democratic presidential candidate answered, "I love it."
"There's no one in the world more qualified to be first lady than my wife, and I'm honored that she is my wife," Clinton said.
And indeed Hillary Clinton appears to be a strong asset to the Arkansas Governor, who has been plagued by questions of his marital fidelity.
"One of the factors in making my decision [to support Clinton] is I believe that Hillary will make an excellent First Lady," said Michael J. Lombardo, from Cherry Hill, N.J. "She is an excellent model for today's youth."
If candidates are playing up their wives some supporters of the unmarried candidates are worried that their candidates may be hurt. But Beth A. Pherriault a staunch supporter of Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey said the fact that her candidate was not married had no bearing on her choice.
"Frankly, we could save a lot of money if they didn't have a wife," Pherriault said. "I mean look at Nancy."