
Council Approves Grants Package Of Nearly $41,000

Rep. Calls for Increasing Student Fee

The failed amendments included a motion by Adams House representative Gian G.Neffinger '93 to increase funding for the HarvardIndependent Music Society, of which he is amember, from $350 to $675, as well as motions toincrease the allocations for the Harvard RadcliffeDance Company, the South Asian Dance group, andHarvard People magazine.

A motion by Currier House representative DavidL. Hanselman '94 to halve the more than $700awarded to the Varsity Football Cheerleading teamfor the purchase of six women's sweaters failed.

"It's a disgrace that we have cheerleaders whoaren't well-dressed," said Eliot Houserepresentative Rico Reyes '93 in support of thegrant.

A motion by Currier House representative DavidA. Aronberg '93 to eliminate funding for theHarvard Republican Club failed, as did a motion byNorth House representative James L. Doak '94 todiscontinue funding of Lighthouse magazine.

Another motion by Doak to change the council'sfunding of the annual Rock for Shelter concertfrom a grant to a loan also failed.

Despite criticism of the grants process byGrove, Garza said she was pleased with theevening's accomplishments.


"Every year we seem to walk out of this roomwith a negative attitude toward the FinanceCommittee and that does disappoint me," Garzasaid. "Please remember that the Finance Committeedoes one hell of a job."

Also last night, the council passed a billfunding a free airport shuttle bus service to runprior to winter break
