Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III said lastnight that according to College policy,fraternities, sororities and final clubs may notuse Harvard's name or its facilities. But headded, "Frats are like any other voluntaryorganization, such as the churches or civil rightsor political organizations, in that we should notforbid students from being members of them'
Light said he believes that a disagreementbetween the occupants and the previous owner ofthe home is the reason for their questioning ofHarrop's motives.
"They're using Dr. Harrop as a means to win adispute with the previous owner. They just don'twant to leave until that previous dispute issettled," Light said.
According to Contescu, Maria Colarusso, theprevious owner, overcharged her and her formerroommates $30,000 in rent over a period of two anda half years. Colarusso charged $1,400 a monthinstead of $221, as the rent should have beenunder rent control, Contescu said.
Contescu said that although the house had beenrenovated in order to exclude it from rent controlrestrictions, its foundations had not been torndown, thus subjecting the house to continuedrestrictions.
"The only way for me to get the money back isto stay in the house and not pay rent," Contescuadded.
A person answering the phone at Colarusso'sresidence yesterday said she was deceased. Thatinformation could not be confirmed last night.
Maggie S. Tucker and Anna D. Wildecontributed to the reporting of this story.