
The Lyrical Moment

Ashbery's Elegant Hotel Lautreamont


Hotel Lautreamont

by John Ashbery

Knopf, $23.00

John Ashbery's lyric speakers are always trying to go somewhere, or, more often, helplessly already going; they are on trains, on boats, on the run from the law, on neverending strolls. For Ashbery, now, destinations, final accomplishments, are, sometimes, nothing more than shared delusions, worn fictions:


...I am in this street because I was

Going someplace and now, not to be there

is here.

("The Whole is Admirably Composed")

Ashbery's style reflects the situations of his eternal travelers: his sentences wind their way around line and stanza breaks, often avoiding consistent, literal reference, turning the normal finalities or fixedness of cliches and buzzwords into things entirely strange. The poems are always about identifiable states of mind, but scenes and referents often shift, vanish or blur to better reflect the minds which contain them:

All that distance, you ask, to the sun?

Surely no one is going to remember to


where it insists, poking about

in an abstract of everyday phrases? People

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