
Students Rally for Audobon

Columbia Group Seeks to Preserve Malcolm X Death Site

Wilson said he questions whether Lee andShabazz truly represent the Harlem community'sinterests.

"Spike Lee has chosen to ignore us completely.He's basically for himself. He's not in touch withthe community at all. Betty Shabbaz is kind ofignorant of the problems with this project. Whenshe was approached she was told only about thescholarships," he said.


Wilson was also critical of the university'sother measures, calling them "appeasement." Hesaid he objects to the fact that the scholarshipsare only for students who work in the center.

The Harlem Community Board 12 voted in favor ofthe project by a margin of three to one, andseveral city and community newspapers haveendorsed the project because of the economicstimulus it will provide the depressed area andthe biomedical advances the research facilitypromises.


Wilson, who attended the community boardmeeting, said he questioned how representative ofHarlem the group was.

"We want the Audubon to be used as amulticultural resource center," which could beused to revitalize the community, he said.

Wilson and several other students have beenaccused by the university's senate of breaking thecode of conduct. If found guilty the universitycould suspend or expell the students

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