But last night, he told the audience of 30 that"It takes time to realize that as an activist or apolitician you can make a part of yourselfinvisible."
"You have to realize that you have to allow allparts of yourself to bloom and flower to becomethe fullest self possible," he said.
At the meeting, Reeves discussed the racism anddiscrimination he has encountered as a gay Blackman. He said coming out is a personal decisionthat must be made individually.
He also said he does not plan to step-up hisinvolvement in issues relating to the gaycommunity just because the press reported hiscoming out.
"I pretty much think I'll go ahead and be me,as it evolves with me. That's my plan," saidReeves, who has been active in the city'sMulticultural AIDS Coalition.
Reeves, who said he has given speeches andattended events officially as a gay man, said hethinks he will retain the support of hisconstituency