Both the accused and accuser are now requiredto write initial statements to be presented to theAd Board. Although the accused party is given aletter outlining the charges against him or her,neither person is allowed to see the other'sinitial statement before writing their own.
"I think it's a cleaner situation and lesslikely to cause misunderstanding," saidMackay-Smith.
This recommendation has been one of the last tobe adopted by the Ad Board. Most of the otherswere incorporated into the review process lastyear, as the task force report was beingformulated, said Mackay-Smith.
According to Jewett, an Ad Board reformtechnically unrelated to date rape cases--theappointment of official subcommittees forinvestigating disciplinary cases--will also makethe process clearer to students.
This fall, Jewett instituted four setsubcommittees, ending the practice of appointingad hoc subcommittees in cases disputed by aninvolved party.
"We've found more and more cases where thefacts were in dispute and we needed to formsubcommittees," said Jewett.
None of the subcommittees deals with aparticular discipline issue exclusively, Jewettsaid.
"Since the Board has got to deal with [sexualmisconduct] issues, all members of the Board needto become familiar with the issues," Jewett said.
Also, any senior tutor or advisor of studentsinvolved in disciplinary cases are not allowed toserve on investigative subcommittees, said Jewett.
Thomas A. Dingman '67, associate dean of thecollege and chair of the 'A' subcommittee, said hebelieves the establishment of subcommittees hasbenefitted students.
"I think as we get used to working with oneanother we can be more creating anenvironment in which all students canparticipate," said Dingman