
Past Overseer Pres. Raines Takes Post On Clinton's Team

Will Lead Cluster on Appointments

Spokesperson George Stephanopoulos saidWednesday that Clinton will first namehigh-ranking economic officials--including theTreasury Secretary and Energy and InteriorSecretaries whom Clinton views as integral to anoverall economic plan.

And transition operations director WarrenChristopher confirmed for The Crimson on Wednesdaythat several members of the Harvard community werebeing considered for possible permanentappointments, but declined to be more specific.

"I'm not going to name any names," Christophersaid.

Christopher, interviewed in Dallas, also saidthe toughest part of the transition still liesahead.

"We're making good progress," said the formerdeputy secretary of state, "but we know that thefirst two weeks in December are going to be thedecisive time."


Jonathan Samuels in Dallas and Ira E. Stollin Cambridge contributed to the reporting of thisarticle.
