"I feel victory in the air," said DemocraticNational Committee Chair Ronald H. Brown in Ohio.
"It's very doable, and we're going to do it,"said White House Chief of Staff James A. Baker IIIaboard Air Force One.
Advertising reached a frenzied peak as wellyesterday, with Perot airing his 30-minuteadvertisements repeatedly on several networks, andClinton joining the prime time arena with his ownhalf-hour spots.
Analysts predict that turnout in today'selections of the president, U.S. House and 35 U.S.Senators could exceed 100 million voters.
On campus at Harvard, student groups focused onreaching the state's voters with last minute phonecalls and visibility efforts.
Key Clinton economic advisor Robert B. Reich, alecturer at the Kennedy School of Government,offered anecdotes and personal accounts to anelection eve gathering of about 35 people at theHarvard Union.
Reich said afterward that he predictsClinton--his roommate while the two were at Oxfordon Rhodes scholarships--will win, but said he was"cautiously optimistic."
This report was compiled with assistancefrom wire dispatches and Emily J. Tsai.