Should I for the sake of promoting "freedom of political expression" be forced to rent my property to a White Knight of the Ku Klux Klan, so long as it appears that he would be a good tenant? Should Cohen be forced to hire a card-carrying member of the American Nazi Party if he is qualified for the job?
While modern "civil rights" law would probably say yes, my notion of morality (and I would guess Cohen's also) says no.
Why should it be any different for an individual who happens to believe that homosexuality is wrong?
The view of the state that gave us sodomy laws, fornication laws and prohibitions against same-sex marriages is the very same view that gives us prohibitions against private discrimination.
This view holds that there is a predetermined, correct social order and the state should use its coercive power to bring that about.
I would think that, in principle at least, Cohen would agree with me that the only decent, moral government is one which leaves people free to manage their own lives.
Why does she refuse to see the logical conclusion of this statement? Frank Iacono Harvard Law School Class of '95