
Changes Planned In First-Year Life

Report Proposes Several Solutions

"Curricular matters are not the provincedirectly of this office," said Nathans. "This isnonetheless a concern, and I will be talking withappropriate people on how to address them."

To improve first-year advising, the reportrecommended that proctors learn more aboutacademics and establish closer contact withfirst-year students.

"One major concern was establishing moreconnections between the proctors and freshmen,"said Duncan.

The document also suggested improving classunity by renovating Yard common rooms.

"We want the common rooms to be more informalplaces to gather, instead of places tooccasionally hold a meeting," said Duncan.


The report also advocates reestablishing afirst-year student government. Currently, thefirst-year caucus of the Undergraduate Councilserves the function of the former FreshmanCouncil.

In composing the report, Cuellar said committeemembers garnered suggestions from 600 to 700students during the 1991 to 1992 school year
