
Robb Hirsch

Contact Is His Middle Name

"Not a whole lot of guys get to play college ball, get to be part of such a tradition, and more importantly, get to be part of such a team. That's what I'm most proud of: my teammates," he says.

An actor in his free time, Hirsch is able to translate the raw passion and energy of his game into art.

"Acting is just something I've taken an interest in throughout my education," Hirsch says.

"I've taken some classes here and in high school. I just enjoy improvisation. I love the spontaneity of it."

The same way he loves the spontaneous combustion of an opposing player and the quick, extemporaneous cut to the open field. The gridiron is his stage.


And when it's all over this afternoon, and the happy Harvard throng spills on to the field and back to the houses for a victory toast, they will no doubt be talking about Hirsch's tour de force--how he upstaged the poor players from Connecticut.

And the 119th captain will quietly bow out.
